How to magnify computer screen with keyboard - none:.How to Turn On/Off Magnifier on Windows 10/11 [MiniTool News]
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- Connecting Laptop Computers with External LCD MonitorsWhether you're shopping online, creating documents in Microsoft Office, or reading printed letters or hard-copy documents - SuperNova helps you get the task done. Our website requires JavaScript to function and display as intended. You may have a reduced experience if you do not enable JavaScript or use a browser with JavaScript support.
Home SuperNova Features. Download Trial. Speak to an Adviser. Buy SuperNova. Visual Features. Visual tab features are available in all three editions of SuperNova: Magnifier. Magnification Options 1 to 64 times magnification Zoom in and out with control panel, shortcut keys or mouse wheel.
Touchscreen magnification Use simple gestures to zoom in and explore on touchscreen devices Advanced text smoothing True Fonts makes text sharp and smooth at all levels of magnification. Automatic tracking Magnification tracks the cursor and mouse, so you never lose your place. Colour and Highlighting Options Colour schemes Adjust colours to reduce glare and make text easier to view.
Mouse pointers high vis mouse pointers available. Focus highlighting Add a highlight to the mouse pointer, the cursor, the line and more. Image enhancements Advanced image sharpening boosts the clarity of images and makes them easier to view.
Multiple Monitors Magnify across as many monitors as you like, with options for each screen, including: Span mode Stretches your application across multiple displays. Side-by-side mode Display a different application on each monitor e. Clone mode Display the same application on different screens with independent settings.
Presentation mode Designed for PowerPoint presentations. Mouse buffer Keep track of the mouse when switching between monitors. Connect to an interactive whiteboard Magnify and view the class whiteboard on your screen. Accessibility options Add magnification, change colours and rotate images. Explore further Freeze the image to explore it in detail, or copy an image to the clipboard to view later.
Scan, read and annotate Scan text from an image and listen to it read aloud. Accessible Reading Modes Doc Reader Reflows documents, emails and web pages in a dedicated window, for accessible reading. Line View Scroll text from a document, email or web page across the screen as a single line. Advanced Visual Options Margin release Adds a highlight to the outside edges of the screen.
Hooked areas Capture and display a portion of the screen and keep it in view at all times. Speech Features. Human-sounding Voices Choice of voices Up to four human-sounding voices available. Voice preferences Turn the voice on and off. Adjust the volume and speed. Synthesiser configuration Switch the synthesiser to use any other voices available on your device settings.
Speech Options Character echo Controls how much is spoken as you type. Speak text under the mouse Read any text under the mouse pointer. Read From Here Mode Listen to documents, emails and web pages read aloud from the cursor position. Read From Here includes: Highlighting Each word and line is highlighted as it is read by the speech.
Text style announcements Choose whether to announce punctuation and capitals while reading. Pause and navigate Pause the speech, then continue reading from the last word read.
Quick navigation Move the Dolphin Cursor directly to headings and links in web pages and documents. Speak keys Eight core Speak keys to announce the current character, word, line and more. Item Finder Displays a list of links and headings in a web page.
Screen Reader Features. Screen Reader Verbosity Verbosity levels Choose how much information the screen reader announces. Advanced text style announcements Choose which information is announced in documents and web pages.
Advanced Speak keys Over thirty Speak keys to announce the current character, word, line, paragraph, table and more. Monitor markers Enables the speech to announce changes on screen. Dolphin Cursor The Dolphin Cursor enables people who are blind to explore applications and web pages using the keyboard. The Dolphin Cursor includes features to make it easier to explore the screen: Find Moves the Dolphin Cursor the next or previous instance of your search term.
Select text Select text from web pages and applications using your keyboard. Forms mode Temporarily switches the Dolphin Cursor off so you can type into edit fields and select options from drop downs. Simulate mouse actions Use your keyboard to perform mouse clicks and drag and drops. Item Finder Lists all items within a web page or document, including headings, links, tables, spelling errors, Place Markers and more. Place Markers Speeds up navigation on favourite web pages. Braille Features.
Braille Output Braille displays Supports over 60 Braille displays from industry-leading manufacturers. Braille codes Supports over 50 literary and computer braille translation tables, including Unified English Braille. Braille verbosity Choose how much information is relayed through your braille display. Physical mode Shows the physical layout of the screen through your braille display. Braille Input Braille input keys Use input keys on your braille display to type emails, documents and complete forms.
Cursor routing Use the routing keys on your braille display to position the cursor and select links. Dolphin Cursor Use your braille display to control the Dolphin Cursor. Show Braille On Screen Shows the braille output inside a small fixed window on the screen.
Media Features. Media features are available in all three editions of SuperNova: Magnifier. Scan and Read Scan from scanner Scan printed text and have it read aloud. Scan from file Scan and read text from image files and image-based PDFs. Follow these steps when starting GOK for the first time:.
In the window that prompts you to use core pointer mode, use the arrow keys to highlight Cancel, then press Enter. GNOME applications do not start if you log in remotely and enable accessibility in gnome-at-properties. To revert to the default desktop settings in which accessibility is disabled, close the GNOME session.
Issue the following command:. If you use the JumpStart installation method, the process might use a system identification configuration sysidcfg file. This file is used to generate a specific Xsun configuration file for a system. The Xsun configuration portion of a sysidcfg file is created by the command kdmconfig -d filename. However, on systems that use the default Xorg server, the command does not create a file with any Xorg configuration information. Consequently, you cannot use the JumpStart method on these systems without some additional preparatory steps.
Workaround: Before using the JumpStart installation method on a system that uses the Xorg server, perform the following steps. Prepare a specific xorg. Store this file in the JumpStart directory of the JumpStart server. For instructions to create an xorg. Create a finish script that copies the xorg. For example, the script might include the following line:. In the custom JumpStart rules file, include the finish script in the rules entry for systems of the type that you want to install.
Chapter 4 includes information about the JumpStart rules file, while Chapter 5 contains a section about finish scripts. Instructions that are provided in the kdmconfig program to configure the Xorg server are incomplete. The program lists basic instructions to generate an xorg.
However, some relevant information is unavailable. For example, options in the xorg. Some scripts that start the Xorg server use smf 5 repository properties. The following properties are relevant to the Xorg server:.
You can set and retrieve these properties by becoming superuser and using the svccfg command, as shown in the following example:.
In this current Solaris 10 release, the default X server has changed from Xsun to Xorg. The program that configures keyboard, display, and mouse kdmconfig applies only to the Xsun server. The program has no effect on Xorg server configuration.
Consequently, you cannot use kdmconfig to configure the Xorg server. While kdmconfig allows you to select which server to use, kdmconfig only configures the Xsun server. This directory is not in the default man page path. To view these man pages, use one of the following options:. Note: Below is the translation from the Japanese of the ITmedia article "The dual display in Windows 7 is now even more convenient" published March 1, Copyright ITmedia Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Most laptops have a handy "external display output" port. It can be used in the home to transmit videos played on the laptop to a large screen TV or, in the office, to connect up with a projector for presentations.
In fact, there must be many users who already use it like this. However, people tend to use just the laptop in their daily routine and there are probably not so many cases where they use the external display output. A laptop can be put to more effective use if it is connected to an external LCD. This time we would like to suggest a style that can be used in both the home and the office, where a laptop and stand-alone LCD remain connected.
Not only does it make the laptop environment more pleasant and convenient, it also expands the potential of the computer itself, for example by making it possible to use it for new purposes.
Even if the LCD is already connected to a desktop computer and being used for something other than the laptop, most monitors nowadays have two or more video inputs and they tend not to use this capability to the full.
It is such a waste to let the laptop's external display output function and the monitor's video input function remain dormant, so we would like them to be put to effective use.
Of course, we would also recommend the introduction of a new LCD to connect to your laptop. The biggest merit of connecting a laptop with a stand-alone LCD is that it gives you a large screen and high resolution dual display environment. This level of resolution is good enough for basic Windows operations, but it goes without saying that a large, high-resolution computer screen is much more user-friendly.
Combining a laptop with one of the latest wide-screen monitors enables you to easily construct a large-screen, high-resolution dual display environment.
It is a real boon to dramatically boost the screen size and resolution while continuing to use your familiar laptop.
In particular, the increased vertical resolution makes applications such as web browsers and document display and editing far easier to use. For example, you can do things like check things with the web browser, refer to pdf files, organize data using word processing or presentation software, and create spread sheets and documents without having to change windows.
Another plus is that you can create the luxury of a "watching while" environment where you run the web browser, for instance, on the laptop's built-in LCD and watch the video content on the large screen of the external monitor.
This can be really useful for hobbies too. For example, while playing a game on the large external LCD screen you can check out strategies on websites, post information on a BBS or communicate with other users. You can smoothly use multiple applications at the same time in the large workspace provided by a dual display.
The photograph shows an EIZO With two screens it's easy to have full-screen display of the video content on one screen while you operate the computer on the other. At the office, it is very helpful for presentations to use "clone view" for the laptop's built-in LCD and the external LCD screen.
Clone view means showing exactly the same content on two display screens. It is normally set by a graphics driver function. Clone view displaying the same content on two screens is very effective when used in presentations. When holding small meetings it is certainly very convenient to be able to offer simple explanations of the presentation materials displayed on the external LCD, rather than having to ready a projector.
Being able to explain about what is displayed on the screen means fewer documents to distribute, helping your office to "go paperless", which can only be a good thing. We would like to point out here that you should check in advance the maximum resolution that the laptop's external display output can handle. This can be found in documents such as the laptop's specifications chart and support information.
In such cases, it is better to use a monitor that offers dot-by-dot display, which displays the input resolution as it is, or enlarged display, which maintains the screen's aspect ratio as it is. You do not need to worry because EIZO wide-screen LCDs can handle such display methods although in some cases they do not function properly depending on the laptop computer or input resolution. Since dot-by-dot display outputs the physical "1 dot" of the LCD and the input resolution "1 dot" without enlargement or reduction, it is shown small in the center of the screen photo on the left.
The display is a little blurred if it is enlarged while maintaining the aspect ratio, but this method is suitable for displaying images as they are shown large with low resolution to make the most of the screen size photo on the right. Many monitors that cannot handle such display methods enlarge the display to full screen regardless of the input resolution.
In such cases you have to be careful as the aspect ratio of the image is altered for example, people appear to be thinner or fatter. It is easy to set up a dual display in Windows 7.
A menu is displayed when you right-click on the desktop.
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